Category: Coding Tips

  • What is the Difference Between Web Developers and Web Designers?

    In the dynamic realm of web development and design, two distinct roles play pivotal parts in crafting exceptional online experiences: web developers and web designers. While these titles might sound similar, they encompass vastly different skill sets, responsibilities, and approaches. Understanding the disparities between web developers and web designers is crucial for anyone venturing into…

  • What is WHOIS: A Simple Guide to Internet Identity

    What is WHOIS? WHOIS is an acronym. It stands for “Who Is.” The name reflects the purpose of the protocol, which is to provide information about the registrants or assignees of internet resources, such as domain names and IP addresses. This system allows users to query and retrieve information about these resources, identifying the individuals…

  • Multiline Magic in Your Node.JS Environment Variables!

    Multiline environment variables in Node.js can be useful in scenarios where a single environment variable needs to hold a multi-line string or configuration. This can provide a more readable and organized way to structure data within an environment variable, especially when dealing with configurations that have line breaks or multiline values. Here are a few…